Proper care of your tools.

A single Vortabrush can typically clean between 200-300 concrete holes, but what will make your new Vortabrush last longer?

#1-  Correct product

Of the few times we have experienced a brush breaking prematurely, it has been because it was used on a concrete hole smaller than the brush diameter.  For example, a 1” brush will NOT work in a ¾” hole.  You MUST use the correct size brush; the brushes diameter must match that of the hole diameter.  When a brush is used in a different sized hole, you can expect your brush to have a much lower life expectancy.

#2- Proper storage

These tools are durable but storing them alongside your other tools can cause fraying of the brush bristles along with other deformities.  We recommend that you store your Vortabrush in the plastic container you receive it in.  Not only will it make the brush itself last longer, but you won’t cause unnecessary bending of the tool.

#3- Occasional cleaning

While the brush is make up of corrosive resistant metal and nylon, a brief rinse in water can make it last longer.  Often the brush works so well at cleaning holes that, especially on a damp hole, fine pieces of sand and dust can cling to the outside of the pipe.  A quick rinse in water will help protect the brush from premature aging.