Vortabrush Concrete Hole Cleaning System

The fastest, most effective way to clean concrete holes.

Top 4 Reasons Vortabrush® and Vortavac are Needed

Why do I need the Vortabrush Concrete Hole Cleaning System?

Whether you are a concrete contractor in residential, commercial or industrial construction, your job can have hundreds of drilled concrete holes.  Per code requirements, each and every hole must be completely free of debris in order maintain maximum holding power of epoxy and driven anchors.

Until now, this took a minimum of 3-5 steps using brushes, forced air and/or water to achieve desired results.   Now there’s the Vortabrush, doing the job better in 1 easy step!

Save Time & Money

Thoroughly cleans and prepares concrete holes up to 300% faster than traditional cleaning methods. Clean 150 holes an hour and do a superior job!

Maximize Anchor Hold-Down

  • Wet hole cleaning, allowing placement of epoxy that is approved for installation in damp holes.
  • Double the holding capacity of anchors by thoroughly cleaning the hole in concrete or masonry prior to placing the epoxy.

The Vortabrush cleans drilled holes in concrete and masonry for installation of wedge or epoxied anchors. The Vortabrush was invented by an ICC/WABO Special Inspector and is preferred by contractors, testing agencies, architects and engineers.
