About Us

Vortabrush (USPTO #9,429,873 B2) is the manufacturer of one of the most innovative, revolutionary products in the concrete construction business.  The Vortabrush Concrete Hole Cleaning System.

The Founder

As a Special Inspector I witnessed my first structural epoxy placement back in 2001.  From that first job I could see that there needed to be a better way of cleaning holes in preparation for placement of epoxy or driven anchors in concrete and masonry.  This started the wheels of my brain rolling.  I needed to come up with an easier and more effective system.

It took 10 years for me to think through all of the things that would be needed for such a tool to work in the field.  So, in the spring of 2011 while recovering from back surgery, I laid in my easy chair with a pencil, paper and a phone.  I sketched out a design, filed for a patent and then began lining up suppliers that I would need to make the new tool.

That is how the VortaBrush was born.

– Jaimie Gordon

The Vortabrush cleans drilled holes in concrete and masonry for installation of wedge or epoxied anchors. The Vortabrush was invented by an ICC/WABO Special Inspector and is preferred by contractors, testing agencies, architects and engineers.

Vortabrush sizes available.

  • 5/8″x 12″
  • 3/4″ x 18″
  • 1″ x 18″
  • 1 1/4″ x  18″
  • 1 1/2″ x 18″

(Custom diameters available.)


  • Water Nozzle Attachment
  • 18″ Extension

We’re committed to helping you with the best in propriety anchor installation accessories.  Bolts and Rebar!  Brush sizes available for cleaning holes 5/8″ diameter and up.

  • Clean 150 holes an hour and do a superior job!
  • Save considerable labor costs. Make the owner, engineer and inspector very happy.
  • For the first time;  A method to clean wet holes thoroughly, removing the sticky paste that a damp hole creates.
  • Why is cleaning holes before installing anchors required?  See–“The Effects of Hole Cleaning on Post-Installed Anchor Systems in Concrete” for the testing results of this fact.
  • Double the holding capacity of the anchor by thoroughly cleaning the hole in concrete prior to placing the epoxy.